Monday, February 15, 2010

Simple Homemade Walky Talky Simple Homemade Baby Halloween Costume Ideas?

Simple homemade baby Halloween costume ideas? - simple homemade walky talky

What are some simple ideas for home baby Halloween costume?
I do not have much money, but I would still like to dress my daughter walking 10.5 months to open the door and going to a costume party on Halloween baby.
Can you imagine a list of ideas that I could do exactly the things that people usually have in your house?


JAG said...

A cat is always nice girl. Her dress pants or black tracksuit bottoms and a sweatshirt in black. It may cover some white acrylic-white fur or felt or fabric in the chest. You can draw a mustache on your face with a pencil for the eyes and ears of the black paper headband fashion. Or buy the ears are usually very low price pharmacy.

suez said...

You can dress your baby like a lil chicks:
PJ yellow
yellow-gloved hand (from a dollar store) for the feet
Baby has white with red felt for the overhead
a purse with white feathers only sew, glue or tape the feathers of the PJ

When the stylus, the one yellow big bird

Anthony's mommy said...

could be a princess! Only in a pretty pink flowy dress and go buy a piece of plastic. They are only $ 1.
Happy Halloween!

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